Browsing All Posts published on »February, 2014«

E.3b Learned Behavior

February 22, 2014


Learned behavior is a result of experience.  Offspring do not inherit specific patterns of behavior. ex: human offspring and language Birdsongs are half innate and half learned It allows responsiveness to change or variation in the environment It can improve chances of survival. Unconditioned stimuli Unconditioned response Ex. Dogs and secretion of saliva in response […]

E.3a Innate Behavior

February 22, 2014


Some types of animal behaviour develop whatever external influences an animal experiences (independent ofthe environmental context) Behavior that is genetically programmed = INNATE BEHAVIOR Ex. Planaria flatworms towards food DBQ 1) Draw air scented with food in one arm. 2) With all of the three species, numbers collected in each scented arm were higher. About 1/3 […]

E.1 Reflexes

February 21, 2014


DEFINITIONS Neurobiology = the study of nervous systems of animals. Nervous systems are used in response to stimuli. Behavior= pattern of responses in an animal (ex. reflexes) Stimulus = change in the external or internal environment that is detected by a receptor and releases a response Response = a change in an organism, produced by a […]

E.4a Neurotransmitters & Synapses E.4b Neurotransmitters & Personality E.4c Neurotransmitters & Drugs

February 2, 2014


Action potential in the pre-synaptic neurone causes a relase of a neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft Action potential stimulated in the post synaptic neurone when the neurotransmitter binds to receptors in its membrane Multiple pre synaptic neurons can form a synapse with one post synaptic neuron Several diff. pre synaptic neurone must release neurotransmitters together […]

E.2c Ears

February 2, 2014


Sound waves pass through the air it reaches the ear drum(thins sheet of tissue between outer and middle ear–> make it vibrate rapidly) Tiny bones in middle ear Form a connection between ear drum and oval window (sheet of tissue–> between middle ear and inner ear) Transmit vibrations from ear drum to oval window AMPLIFY […]

E.2a Perception of Stimuli E.2b Vision: Retina

February 2, 2014


– Stimuli are detected by receptors Mechanoreceptors perceive movements (sound vibrations + pressure changes) Chemoreceptors perceive chemical substances (smell + taste) Thermoreceptors perceive heat and temperature Photoreceptors perceive electromagnetic radiation (usually light) Rod and cone cells in retina Rods sensitive to light thus work well in dim light conditions In bright light pigment is temporarily bleached […]